Humanitarian Support and Medical Aid

Nicole Eliott | iMiracleProject | Humanitarian Support Initiatives
IMiracleProject | Cargo Van | Humanitarian Support Cargo

Our Work

Head of Critical and Emergency Response, Nicole Elliott, coordinates living essentials and medical supplies with our extensive network of 13 different in-country trusted aid organizations to provide medications, medical supplies, food, water purification, household items, clothing, hygiene items, lodging, refugee transportation, toys, immigrant support, legal & relocation assistance for Ukrainians most in need. Her personal relationships, fluency in the Ukrainian language, hands-on participation, and oversight maximize the impact of donated dollars and help ensure that donations make their way into the hands they’re intended for.

With adequate funding and in-kind donations of vital supplies, Nicole, in conjunction with this network partner, is able to provide support to thousands, including families who’ve lost everything. She aids orphanages, refugees, hospitals, local charity organizations, and private individuals in need.

Our Impact

Medical Supplies Plane

32 Tons

Medical Kits Delivered


Total Value


IMiracleProject | Volunteer Packing Boxes | Humanitarian Volunteer Assistants

Medical Supply Flight

The project was initiated and coordinated by Liliya Kovalenko, President of the Ukrainian Association of Washington. Along with other organizations, we organized the procurement of a large shipment of medical supplies. The combined organizations filled a 32-ton plane with the help of many donors from Washington State and Oregon.

News and Updates

How can you help?

Your donations would cover the storage, packaging and shipping expenses to deliver the medical aid to Ukraine.

Donation for Shipping

If you can donate a large volume of accepted medical supplies, please get in touch with us via the form on the website.

In-Kind Donations