Over the last three months, we have made huge strides in impacting the lives of Ukrainian citizens in need

It's been a while since we last connected, and we're excited to share the incredible achievements of our wonderful community over the past three months!

Thanks to our dedicated on-the-ground volunteer, Nicole, more than 500 individuals in Ukraine received assistance. She distributed LifeStraws to flood victims near Kherson, delivered a substantial quantity of food to those in the Eastern regions of Ukraine, and provided essential supplies to ten families to help them start anew.

Our Back-to-School fundraiser empowered Nicole to supply school supplies to underprivileged Ukrainian children.

Additionally, Nicole delivered the remaining medical supplies to a local hospital for the benefit of those affected by shelling, bombs, and landmines.

Through your generous donations, Ivan Subbotin, our other on-the-ground volunteer, was able to deliver ten weekly grocery packages to elderly individuals in the Kyiv area. However, there is still much work ahead of us, as many people continue to go hungry.

In the United States, the iMiracleProject played a significant role in assisting thirty Ukrainian refugee families by aiding them in navigating the intricacies of tasks such as obtaining driver's licenses, connecting them to the community, and much more.

We celebrated Ukrainian joy at the Ukrainian Festival in Bellevue, where we had our very own booth. This allowed us to connect with the community and gain a better understanding of their needs.

All of these accomplishments have been made possible because of your support! Your donations save lives and provide hope to those who have lost everything due to this ongoing war. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our hardworking volunteers, our advocates, and our followers. 

With winter approaching, the cost of groceries is on the rise, and people will require warm clothing, making your contributions more crucial than ever.

Thank you for standing by us and for your unwavering support. Together, we can continue to create miracles and save lives.

Please consider donating now. 🫶🏻🫶🏼🫶🏽

Make Miracles. Save Lives. Donate Monthly! 🇺🇦♥️


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