Uniting for Ukraine webinar

On May 19, 2022 our team put together a webinar to help community members in understanding the Uniting for Ukraine program.

The first speaker Roman Kesselman is the immigration law attorney. Roman covered the process, liability, and other aspects of the application. The second guest was Callista Kennedy from King County Public Health and she talked about various programs that arriving Ukrainians might be eligible for. iMiracleProject thanks Roman and Callista for making time for us and sharing their expertise. Thank you!

On May 21, 2022, President Joe Biden singed H.R.7691 - Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 We anticipate the Act to expand Apple Health eligibility and cover people on humanitarian parole. We expect it will take several weeks for federal and state agencies to update their guidance.

Local resources to help:

Health care in Washington state for resettled Ukrainians:

The following sites contain lots of info for Ukrainians fleeing the war to the USA:


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