Serge Bagdasarov

Board Member, Founder

My name is Serge Bagdasarov. I am 73% Armenian, 27% Ukrainian and 100% American. I was born in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, one of the former republics of the Soviet Union in 1981. I have family members in Erevan, Moscow as well as in the cities of Kyiv and Berdichev. At the fall of the Soviet Union, my family fled as refugees with 3 bags of clothing. Our escape was organized and coordinated by Ukrainian Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Manyuk. With the help of my uncle, we found a temporary home in Moscow, and in 1996 we immigrated to Bellevue, WA. I know firsthand what refugee life is like, and since early childhood, I knew I will always be helping people as much as I can. When I was growing up, I’m sure the same way as many from that part of the world, we never cared who is Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian, and so on. Yes, for the most part, we all lived like one big family. It was later in adulthood when I learned the truth about all the horrible atrocities official history conceals. 

Let us all always remember to honor and treasure human life!
Let us remember the sacred commandment about saving lives!

Just like the Ancient Book says -“Whoever saves a single life is considered to have saved the whole world!”

  • Evgeniya Polikarpova

    Board Member, Head of Communications

  • Vladimir Grebenik

    Honorary Board Member

  • Lydia Cota

    Executive Director

  • Tetiana Kokhanovska

    UX Designer

  • Oksana Willeke


  • Sofiia Panchuk

    Marketing Assistant

  • Grace Setiawan

    Website Editor

  • Beata Kowalczyk

    Shipping/Logistics Coordinator

  • Daniel Fedorovsky


  • Ramon Hemerlein

    Key account manager

  • Anna Karlovskaya

    Project Coordinator

  • Valeriia Borodina

    Graphic Designer