Medical Donations
Fire & Rescue Departments
Thank you, Hannah Lewbel, for coordinating this gracious donation from Snoqualmie Pass and Eastside Fire and Rescue Departments. The donation consists of 20 backboards, 5 metal SCBA bottles, 11 Bair Hugger blankets, 1 Bair Hugger heater, 4 AEDs, a scoop stretcher, obstetrics kits, natural fiber blankets, traction splints, bandages, syringes and caps, gauze rolls, bandages, suction catheters and tubing, oxygen nasal cannulas, non-rebreather masks and medical tubing, surgical shears, blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, 4x4 gauze pads, KN95 masks, respirators and pads, alcohol prep pads, barrier wipes, vinyl gloves, no-sting barrier film, glucometers and kits, glucose tubes for diabetics, aspirin, sharps bin for needles, kid Bandaids, protective rain ponchos, sterile gauze pads and safety needles.